Hybrid Photovoltaic Systems

Hybrid photovoltaic systems are connected to the national energy grid and operate with batteries, being composed of photovoltaic panels, hybrid inverters, batteries and secondary equipment.

The electricity produced by the photovoltaic panels covers the self consumption and the charging of the batteries. During periods when the photovoltaic panels do not produce enough electricity to cover the self consumption, it is consumed from the batteries, and when the energy stored in the batteries has reached a low preset level, it will be consumed from the national grid.

The installation of a hybrid photovoltaic system offers customers the opportunity to reduce their electricity bills, provides an effective backup solution in case the national grid fails, and if the photovoltaic system is properly sized, it can even offer total independence from the national grid, this being kept only as a backup option.

ZETTA Energy - On-grid photovoltaic systems are connected to the national energy grid and usually operate without batteries, being composed of photovoltaic panels, on-grid inverters and secondary equipment. The electricity produced by the photovoltaic panels covers the self consumption and the surplus is injected into the national grid. During the periods when the photovoltaic panels do not produce enough electricity to cover the self consumption, it is pulled from the national grid. Installing an on-grid photovoltaic system gives customers the opportunity to become prosumers and compensate or sell any unused electricity.


ZETTA Energy - Hybrid Photovoltaic Systems - Industrial and Office Buildings - Locations in the professional environment that are connected to the national energy grid and have a high consumption of electricity, for which they want to reduce costs and/or have a backup option in case of national energy grid failure. Photovoltaic systems contain photovoltaic panels, fixing systems, inverters, batteries, alternating current and direct current protection panels, wiring, etc.

Industrial and Office Buildings

Locations in the professional environment that are connected to the national energy grid and have a high consumption of electricity, for which they want to reduce costs and/or have a backup option in case of national energy grid failure.

ZETTA Energy - Hybrid Photovoltaic Systems - Residential Buildings, Houses, Apartments - Residential or private locations that are connected to the national energy grid and want to reduce energy costs and/or have a backup option in case of national energy grid failure. Photovoltaic systems contain photovoltaic panels, fixing systems, inverters, batteries, alternating current and direct current protection panels, wiring, etc.

Residential Buildings, Houses, Apartments

Residential or private locations that are connected to the national energy grid and want to reduce energy costs and/or have a backup option in case of national energy grid failure.

Hybrid Photovoltaic Systems Equipment

In order to guarantee safety, reliability and quality, we have chosen to work with equipment belonging to established brands in the field of photovoltaic systems.

Hybrid Photovoltaic System Offer

You let us know what you want, we request the essential information for the construction of the photovoltaic system, together we determine the relevant details, and we design and offer you the optimal solution for your energy needs.

Hybrid Photovoltaic Systems

Single-phase Hybrid Photovoltaic System with 5+ kW Inverter, 4+ kWp Photovoltaic Panels, and 10+ kWh LiFePO4 Storage
Three-phase Hybrid Photovoltaic System with 15+ kW Inverters, 12+ kWp Photovoltaic Panels, and 15+ kWh LiFePO4 Storage
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